How do I join MethSoc?
You can join MethSoc by signing up online on the Aber Student Union (SU) website here: http://www.abersu.co.uk/societies/MethSoc/
The best way to join is come along to one of our events and speak to us. Once you are a member online on the SU website then you can vote and stand for committee positions at our Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Does it cost to join MethSoc?
No, MethSoc is completly free to join!
Do you drink as Methodists?
It's up to our individual members as to whether or not they drink when we go to the pub. However, it is a misconception that as a Methodist Society we do not drink.
How is MethSoc different from the other student Christian societies in Aberystwyth?
MethSoc is different to the other Christian societies in Aber not just because we are associated to the Methodist demoniation. We have a unique relationship with our home Church, St. Paul's Methodist Centre, in town that you won't find anywhere else. We pride ourselves on being a small society focused around friendship and fellowship.
Are there food opportunities at MethSoc?
One of Aber MethSoc's selling qualities is the amount of free food we generously get given. Every Tuesday at P+P (our weekly meeting) we have plentiful amounts of cake provided for us by the kind members of St. Paul's Congregation. We also have a "Feed a Student" program which we run. Every Sunday, members of the Church congretation willingly offer to take home several students for Sunday lunch. It is a great opportunity, not only for great food, but to get to know congreation members better.
If you have any questions that are not here, please contact us.
See the "Contact Us" page.